Saturday 16 June 2018


First term: 
- Power Point: UK/USA

Second term:
-Project Dickens & Time:
*Speaking : PICTURES (Michael)

Third term: 
-Shakespeare is coming:
*Music: play the pavanas
*P.E: dance
-Speaking: ROMEO & JULIET [scene I, act II]

Thursday 14 June 2018


Chase: to follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake, etc.
Kick: to strike with the foot or feet.
Helpful: giving aid or assistance.
Shy: bashful.
Advice: an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action.
Advise: to give counsel or advice.

Modals: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't: 👍👍👍
Have (got) to + infinitive: 👍👍
Review of other terms (started unit, unit 8):👍👍 

Extreme journeys: 👍👍
Lake adventures: 👍👍

Keep safe in the wild:👍👍
A national symbol:👍👍

Romeo and Juliet:👍👍👍

One writting in class:👍👍👍
In the exam:👍👍

Reverse translation

A legend of New Zeland

Expressions ( extra classes )

Saturday 9 June 2018

1) The teacher will upload some videos of this kind of music to the blog, in order to ask a series of questions about it. The artists are Loreena McKennitt, Gwendal and Pamela Wyn Shannon.
2) The lyrics of the song All Souls Night by Loreena McKennitt will be uploaded, and the students will translate it (after working on it with the teacher in Music classes).
3) Together, we will play the song O Son do Ar by Luar na Lubre. Instruments: recorder and acoustic guitar. Issues related to digitations, rhythm, tempo, expression, and so on will be under evaluation.
4)Deadline: around 10th June.

A)Listen to the video and translate the lyrics.

Hogueras de las laderas rodeando, 
Las figuras de la danza alrededor y alrededor, 
Con los tambores que a pulso hacen eco en la oscuridad. 
Del movimiento con el sonido pagano. 
En algún lugar de la oculta memoria, 
Las imágenes flotan ante mis ojos. 
Con las fragantes noches de paja y hogueras, 
Bailando hasta el siguiente amanecer. 

Puedo ver las luces a distancia, 
El temblor en el manto oscuro de la noche, 
Las velas y los faroles están bailando, bailando, 
Un vals durante toda la noche de las almas. 
Las figuras de los tallos de maíz aparecen en las sombras, 
Elevando alto como las llamas saltando alto, 
El caballero verde posee el acebo, 
Para marcar el año viejo que pasa. (x2) 

Hogueras de las laderas rodeando, 
Las figuras de la danza alrededor y alrededor, 
Con los tambores que a pulso hacen eco en la oscuridad. 
Del movimiento con el sonido pagano. 
Permanentemente sobre el puente que cruza, 
El río que fluye hacia el mar, 
El viento está lleno de miles de voces, 
Que pasan entre el puente y yo.

Puedo ver las luces a distancia, 
El temblor en el manto oscuro de la noche, 
Las velas y los faroles están bailando, bailando, 
Un vals durante toda la noche de las almas. 
Las figuras de los tallos de maíz aparecen en las sombras, 
Elevando alto como las llamas saltando alto, 
El caballero verde posee el acebo, 
Para marcar el año viejo que pasa. (x2)

B)Who is Loreena McKennitt?
Loreena McKennitt is a Canadian  who is well known as a composer and singer. She also plays the accordion, piano and harp. She has sold over 14 million albums with a catalogue which includes seven studio recordings, three seasonal recordings, a live in-concert DVD and two DVD documentaries. She’s won two Junos, Canada’s premiere music awards, and she has performed for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

C)Is it just “Celtic” Music or there are another music influences? Which ones?
There are other influences such as the different cultures she has been in contact with while travelling to different cities and countries like Venice, Hungary, Ukraine, Spain and some places in Asia.

D)Who is Pamela Wyn Shannon? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
She´s a musician from Massachusets, and her  inventive and intricate guitar work has been described as "a tiny chamber orchestra working in agreement at the end of her hands." She has walked with the legends of British and Irish folk music, collecting respect and admiration wherever she goes.

E)Where does she come from?
She comes from the U.S.

F)In your own words, try to express the feeling you get listening to this music (2 or 3 lines are enough). 
I feel relaxed and free with this song because I think that it´s very hipnotizing and melodic. And also helps that she sing really good.

G)Do some research about the poem The Unquiet Grave which this song is based on, and answer these questions: what is the main topic of the song? Do you like the story? Why or why not?
The main topic of the song is love. Yes, I really like it, because love songs usually please me, and this is really emotional and beautiful.

H-)Where do they (Gwendal) come from?
The Gwendall come from Brittany, France.

I)Open your mind and let your imagination fly free!! : what does this music (Gwendal) transmit to you? (3 or 4 lines are enough).
This music transmit me energy, transmit me to be happy,to enjoy my life, to forget sometimes about the world we are living. And when I listen to this music also it makes me dance.

Sunday 27 May 2018

In this exercise we work the gluteus.

In this photo you are lied-up with your muscle relax.

In this photo you are with your butt up and contract.     

By: Marina Díaz and Laura Sánchez Herrero.

Thursday 10 May 2018


1) Main characters
The main characters are: William Shakespeare and Viola de Lesseps 

2) Society of the time
The Elizabethean Era took place from 1558 to 1603 and is considered by many historians to be the golden age in English History. During this period England experienced peace and prosperity while the arts flourished. The time period is named after Queen Elisabeth I who reigned England during this time, which is perhaps most famous for its theatre and the works of William Shakespeare. Also, other arts such as music and painting were popular.

3)The film and "Romeo and Juliet"
The film talks about a very famous writer called William Shakespeare. The movie tell us that he´s trying really hard to write a novel but he can´t , until he meet a girl that its called Viola de Lesseps and they fall in love. But they have a prohibited love, because she is a noble and she´s getting engaded and he its just a simple man. But they´re young and they don´t care and they stay together. Also Viola is acting in his dressed up like a boy. Finally she has to marry another man, but when the ceremony ended she runs away to saw the play that its called ROMEO AND JULIET , that is based on their own love story. the film ended her acting at Williams Shakespeare play.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595. The book tall us about the love story of a young couple and the actions that turns a love story in a tragic.

4) Historical context of the time: The Queen and the Theatre
Elizabeth was Queen of England, Ireland and Wales from 1558 to 1603. She gave her name to the 'Elizabethan Age'.This was the age of William Shakespeare's plays.She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and , her grandfather Henry VII was the first Tudor king of England. She was illegitimate until her older brother and sister dies, that she took the throne.

In the first half of the 16th century, the Renaissance and the court theatre coexist.

Wednesday 25 April 2018


Substitute: substituto
Halfway line: mediocampo
Goal area: área
Friendly game: partido amistoso
Referee: árbitro
Linesman: juez de línea

Red card: tarjeta roja
Yellow card: tarjeta amarilla
Scoreboard: marcador
Attack: atacar
Defense: defender